Regina Maria şi membrii Casei Regale a României – Colecţia Radu Marţi

Regina Maria şi membrii Casei Regale a României – Colecţia Radu Marţi


Piața Mare, Sibiu, Romania

Dates and Hours:


 Exhibition: Queen Maria and members of the Royal House of Romania – Radu Marți Collection
 Location: Brukenthal Palace, Cartography Cabinet, Grand Square, Nr. 4, Sibiu.
 Duration: 12.05 - 27.06.2021
 Curator: Valentin Trifescu
 Other contributions: Alexandra Gălăbuţ, Ioan Brai, Cristina Mihu

 Text from the curator:
 A successful businessman, Radu Marți is a passionate collector and a “Sunday artist” with such a great workforce that allows him to compete with any full-time artist. More than one hundred pencil drawings, in which the members of the Royal House of Romania are represented, bear witness to this, being made in a short period of time: 2019-2020. But these drawings represent only a thematic sample of Radu Marți's prolific creative activity.
 The spiritual core of the exhibition is represented by Queen Maria of Romania. 
 Starting from the conclusions of José Ortega y Gasset, according to which: "In a home, always predominates the climate that was brought forward and represented by the woman", we can say that Queen Maria – through the magnetism of her personality, but also through her special way – created a distinct atmosphere not only inside the Royal House, but also in the whole interwar Romania. Moreover, she represents, even today, a living presence around which values, ideas, initiatives, etc. are polarized.
 In this exhibition, Radu Marți, through his double position – that of artist and collector – managed to bring to our attention what Ernst Kantorowicz understood by the "two bodies of the king". More precisely, on the one hand, we are shown the human / mortal body of the monarch, materialized through a series of portraits and personal photographs in which the non-institutional dimension of the members of the Royal House is captured or, if you will, the king is discovered "beyond the throne room", as Dan Horia Mazilu said. To this "human body" of the king, are added the autograph books or the works of art made by Queen Elisabeta or Queen Maria. On the other hand, regarding the “institutional body” or the “immortal body” of the king, in Radu Marți's collection there are several medals, decorations or statuettes that were made during the monarchy period or that represent the effigies of the members of the Royal House of Romania.