The Black Sheep Market

The Black Sheep Market

Organizatie Non-Guvernamentala


“Vintage and secondhand fashion, arts & lifestyle independent market in Sibiu.”
The project comes from the idea to propose something different for a younger crowd: a friendly and quality event with a unique twist and community spirit.

Organised by local young artists, creative and musicians, The Black Sheep market focuses on selling personal vintage/second hand items and meeting new people from different nationalities, with differents stories to share, living temporarily or permanently in Sibiu.
A different place to visit for anyone interested in supporting local activities, with music (local djs/guest artists) and home made food/catering, where people can enjoy a drink and a relaxed fun atmosphere.

Shopping secondhand is an eco-friendly way of encouraging small business and recycling.
(The Black Sheep Market was held for 6 editions in Vienna, Austria between 2011 and 2012 and 4 times in Sibiu since 2014 )

We want this flea market to be a nice mix of young sellers, from vintage fashion and jewelry to knickknacks, tchotchkes and general bric-a-brac, furniture items, fabrics...housewares, books, music, for every age, budget and style.

We are looking for doing a longstanding and well-organised whole weekend market/event, held indoors or outdoors, for the fast-growing vintage crowd, young families and any friendly open minded person.

Alte sugestii

Asociația Vibe Sibiu

Organizatie Non-Guvernamentala

Asociația PsiNapsis - Servicii Psihologice Sibiu

Organizatie Non-Guvernamentala

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Organizatie Non-Guvernamentala


Organizatie Non-Guvernamentala

Asociația PAN - Protecția Animalelor şi a Naturii

Organizatie Non-Guvernamentala