Transilvania Executive Education

Transilvania Executive Education

Organizatie Non-Guvernamentala


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Strada Regele Ferdinand 22-26,etajul 3, Cluj Hub, Cluj-Napoca, România



Transilvania Education Executive connects bright minds to the possibilities of international business. We are committed to creating a deeper understanding of the global business environment, through connected thinking, and how to apply this knowledge locally, in one of the most diverse cities in Romania: Cluj. By engaging with worldwide companies, students and staff, TEE becomes a space that encourages a constructive exchange of ideas, a community (that nurtures responsible leadership). The executive learning process is founded on networking and collaboration; we are part of a mechanism whose components we make sure are of the highest calibre.

Together with the University of Hull, we are organizing in Cluj-Napoca the only 100% British Executive MBA program. The program has a double international accreditation, from AMBA (The Association of MBAs) and from AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and offers two tracks: General Management and Technology Management. The next class of students starts in October 2019. More details are available on our website (


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