”A summer day”- LIVE broadcasting on The Digital Stage

”A summer day”- LIVE broadcasting on The Digital Stage

Online event  |  Theatre


30 lei


Bulevardul Corneliu Coposu 2, Sibiu 550245, Romania


Dates and Hours:


Two characters, one existential problem - to commit suicide or not. More precisely, when does a life become unbearable – when destiny reveals itself as a permanent farce, always throwing spanners in your work, or when even your most insignificant whims are satisfied? This is the beginning of a friendship that may help The Gentleman and The Young Man to discover the true value of a human life. In a dense social context dominated by egotism, this (philosophical) adventure bordering tragi-comedy by Mrożek is an invitation to discover, in the happiness shared through acts of kindness and sacrifice, perhaps the only way to save ourselves and to appreciate the beauty of one’s own life.

”We live isolated and die alone. The destiny is our own psyche leading us with a will that isn’t ours. We need the other to find a purpose, a meaning in a competition pushing us to extermination. What is the meaning of losing? What is the meaning of winning? What's with this almost wild need to be a winner? In just a few moments during a life lasting as long as a day, laughter is our salvation. We live in cliches, create rules and break them only to build others, fight for freedoms that only restrict us. Laughter is the only thing that can free us. Let us then laugh at life and at death, at love and at hatred, at the concept of being human!” Ofelia Popii

A Summer Day
by Sławomir Mrożek

Directed by: Ofelia Popii
Assistant director and prompter
: Corina Predescu,
Project manager: Claudia Maior
Cast: The Gentleman - Adrian Matioc; The Young Man- Ciprian Scurtea
Duration: 1h 15min