Aerosol therapy at Ocna Sibiului

Aerosol therapy at Ocna Sibiului


Ocna Sibiului 555600, Romania

🏊 🌤️ 🏖️

Our dear guests are welcome every year for the reopening of the lakes at Ocna Sibiului, but this year the expectations got extremely high. We are not sure if the long self-isolation period or the belated summer is to be blamed, but we are happy to announce that finally all is ready for the summer!
 We have to admit that the idea of getting into our bathing suits directly after taking off our pyjamas sounds pretty funny, but if the weather will be good to us, we can reopen our gates, so now we are all ears when listening to the weather news.
 Both the social distancing and the hygiene measures are strictly followed - as an important safety measure only 2000 people will be able to enter the resort. Good news! The admission fees are not modified; they will be the same as last year.
 Now, all that you have to do is take your sun lotions and prepare yourselves in a high spirit. We all hope that the weather will be on our side.
 Enjoy the water!

The lakes at Ocna Sibiului

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