Devieri de circulație ale mijloacelor de transport Tursib - închidere Podul Gării

Devieri de circulație ale mijloacelor de transport Tursib - închidere Podul Gării

We inform you that starting from August 7, 2024, due to rehabilitation works on the street, buses on routes 10, 12, 17, 18, 115, 118, and 215 will be rerouted.

The deviations can be viewed on the Tursib website here.

Attention! The buses will make additional stops only at the stations mentioned for each route.

Starting from the following days, the arrival times at the temporary stations will be available on the website and at the stations. Given these changes, it is possible that the buses will accumulate delays.

Therefore, we recommend using the SibiuBus mobile application to track the real-time position of the buses.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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