The Weidner-Reussner-Czekelius House
The Weidner-Reussner-Czekelius House is located in the Large Square, at no. 16, its denomination coming from the names of three successive owners, who left their mark upon its architecture. The house was established by the annexation of two buildings dating since the 16th century.
The right side of the building, where the gateway is located, used to belong to the Weidner Family and it subsequently became the property of Senator Johann Reussner-Jr. The other wing of the building, expanded in depth towards the yard, came to belong to the Czekelius Family, during the final quarter of the 16th century.
Over the years, the building suffered numerous alterations, the ground-floor being separated and transformed into a chain of stores.
The first house also preserves the only details that have interest for the visitors. In the passage to the yard there is also a stone sculpted door framework. In the centre of cornice there is a name plate shaped like a wide shield with rounded peak inserted with the cipher C. W. (Cirves-Servatius Weidner Jr.) and the year 1582.
In the reception hall upstairs fresco fragments were discovered in 1902 (unfortunately, subsequently covered with the painting), which contained scenes of the Trojan War. It seems that the murals belonged to the end of the 16th century and middle of the following century.
In the patio there can still be seen the carriage rails from the time when this used to be a storehouse for metal and chemical products. They used to be transported with the carriage from the unloading area at the gateway to the storage area – the last building of the yard.