Mărginimea Sibiului

Mărginimea Sibiului


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Mărginimea Sibiului (Săliște, Sibiel, Fântânele, Rășinari, Tilișca, Sadu, Râu Sadului, Rod, Poiana Sibiului, Orlat, Jina, Gura Râului, Galeș, Boița, Tălmăcel)


From Rășinari to Săliște, Poiana Sibiului and Jina, in the Mărginime villages time moves slower and the air smells like freshly mown grass. The natives live by rules unchanged for many generations, leading their flocks of sheep to pasture and doing the daily household chores. The country has thus kept alive its cultural heritage and its identity.

For tourists, Mărginime means a foray into a pastoral landscape long since gone in Western Europe. With its farmers’ homes where you can taste exquisite cheese, with its cattle trails and mountain crests that reach to the skies, in Mărginimea Sibiului you literally find yourself near a low foothill, at heaven’s doorsill.

Mărginimea Sibiului concentrates most of Romania’s old traditions and authentic spirit.

Photo and Text SOURCE: http://www.sibiu-turism.ro/Destinations-Tourist-regions-Marginimea-Sibiului.aspx

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