The Blue House
The Blue House is located in the Large Square, at no. 5, next to Brukenthal Palace. The building dates back to the 15th century but its current name was assigned in 1819. It is built in a late baroque style. The façade, on the height of two levels, is dominated by the triangular attic decorated with the blazon of Sibiu.
Certain details inside the monument – the cross arched gangway, some late gothic framework that are fragmentary preserved and embedded into the walls, the arches of the ground-floor chambers – indicate a much ancient age of the house.
Over the years, the building suffered a series of interventions; therefore, except for the few preserved elements, it isn’t particularly interesting.
The inferior wing of the building used to house during 1768-1783, while owned by the Baron von Moringer, theatre shows and after that, a century later, it served as an Academy of Law, founded in 1844, and a few years later it became the registered office of the Natural Sciences Society (1858-1862). In the middle of the 19th century it also housed the garment shop called “La ducele de Reichstadt” (“At the Duke of Reichstadt”).
At present, the inside of the building is home to some departments of the Brukenthal National Museum.