Tour of art-friendly restaurants / coffee shops
Pare că Sibiul are arta în ADN-ul său, sub o formă sau alta, iar acest lucru se vede până și în locațiile destinate relaxării.
Împreună cu proiectul Orașul Artiștilor*, vă provocăm să porniți într-un tur al locurilor prietenoase cu arta, ce urmează să vă scoată în cale cafenele, restaurante și baruri în care tablourile, expozițiile și obiectele de artă sunt parte din peisaj.
Orașul Artiștilor este un eveniment anual ce transformă un colț din Piața Mică într-o galerie de artă în plină stradă, deschisă timp de 126 de zile, zilnic, între orele 11:00-22:00.
At the top of the list of contemporary art-friendly locations is Sibio where you should start your tour with a freshly squeezed juice or a top-notch coffee, a good story from Adi who is the soul of the place or a portion of free but valuable art. Over time, this has been a creative hub in the Small Square for artists of every kind who have independently exhibited photography, art installations or other noteworthy artworks.
Not so much an exhibition space for artists as a place that is filled with art, Lili’s is a good place to stop on our tour. The building has not undergone brutal architectural interventions and every design object that adds to the beauty of the place is vintage. The walls seem to be in their original state – alternating between cold, impersonal bricks and works of art that convey human, heartwarming stories.
The stories that they tell are very personal such as the love of animals but most of all for dogs and for one dog in particular portrayed over and over again in many of the rooms. The rest of the artworks on the walls are also to be taken into consideration.
Monsieur Joben
Further on our tour, a couple of steps away in the Large Square is Monsieur Joben, a place that invites us to indulge our culinary senses. We can also indulge in art if we look around the walls of this place. There are paintings that have been recently made by one of the waiters of this restaurant. This place has a special ambiance that can be sought after right in the center of the city!
Geea Caffe
Geea Caffe is the kind of place you have to understand from the beginning but which you mostly have to experience. And if this won’t be your last time then you can certainly come back again because you can discover something new every time you visit. From an artistic point of view, the atmosphere is eclectic and the styles vary from classical, to bohemian, baroque and Renaissance. It is an art-friendly space and every corner is destined to emphasize that. Actually, if you did not know that Geea is a coffee shop, you could say that it is a real art gallery.
Consommé Bistro
Either you know about this place or you don’t but you’d better try it! In addition to gastronomical art represented by unique daily dishes that spring from the imagination of the chef, you can also find beautiful works of art there. Moreover, the simplicity of the space planning will help you focus on the art itself represented by several paintings hanging on the walls. You can find it and try it out in Astra Park!
House of Ellixirz
We walk down towards the Old Town and on Turnului Street no. 6 there is a place that was recently opened where you can spend your free time. And its opening was anything but ordinary: it actually opened with an art exhibition which goes to show that this is an art-friendly place for beauty lovers. Currently, artist Andy Ciocan has an exhibition there called “Out of the Blue” so there’s plenty to see. We know from the owners that this space will carry on in the same way so we are more than delighted to add another non-conformist space in Sibiu where artists can exhibit their work for free.