🍁 Enjoy the Autumn Flavours

🍁 Enjoy the Autumn Flavours

Autumn has engulfed the city of Sibiu, making us crave for comforting, nostalgic seasonal experiences.

And there’s plenty to choose from: seasonal dishes in restaurant menus, special coffee drinks, thematic dinners, outdoor walks, or ways to bring autumn’s fragrances and colours into our homes. Discover the beauty of the season with us!

🎃 Pumpkin cream soup and mousse pie from Hochmeister

The stylish Hochmeister restaurant functions in the former house of Martin von Hochmeister, who printed the first guide to Sibiu in 1790. They change their menu to include seasonal ingredients, which is why they now offer two must-try thematic pumpkin dishes: baked pumpkin cream soup with ginger and coconut milk and pumpkin mousse chocolate pie.

After finishing your meal, take a couple of minutes to admire the neighbouring Schiller Square, where time stands still and the beauty of autumn gets you right back on the positivity track.
Visit our page about Hochmeister.

☕ Pumpkin Spice Latte from Lumos

Still in the centre of the city, we stop at Lumos, next to Huet Square, to savour a classic seasonal coffee: creamy latte with sweet pumpkin syrup and cinnamon. Nothing beats a delicious cup of weather-appropriate coffee to go with your stroll along the city’s charming streets.
Visit our page about Lumos.

🍂 A walk around the Astra Open Air Museum

To fully enjoy the beauty of autumn beyond culinary treats, take a peaceful walk around the Astra Open Air Museum, perhaps the most picturesque place in Sibiu during this time of the year. The rich layer of fallen leaves and the contrasting colours of earthy and strong yellow-orange hues make the best background for this season’s photos. What’s more, a long walk under the warm sun rays combined with the fresh air will make you hungry for other dishes.
Visit our page about the Astra Open Air Museum.

🍡 Plum dumplings from Kulinarium

Kulinarium is one of those restaurants in downtown Sibiu where traditional cuisine is so poignant that it brings back the most nostalgic feelings. Autumn is when we long for plum dumplings and we’re happy to have found a traditional recipe here. Yummy!
Visit our page about Kulinarium.

🍽 Thematic dinner - autumn at Plai Restaurant

Plai extends an invitation to experience autumn as it used to be in their establishment, with the smell of hot charcoal, stove-fried pumpkin seeds, compote, hot potatoes and clothes that smell of wind and burnt leaves.

On 29 and 30 October, in a private ambiance, they are organizing two thematic dinners with five seasonal dishes and Friza sparkling wine. Besides, you can choose to pair the foods with five special wines.
Find out more about the dinner at Plai.

🥧 Chestnut purée dessert from Mândra

Mândra drew our attention with a new seasonal dessert that we couldn’t resist. Maroni is made with chestnut purée, which truly tastes like autumn, a touch of rum, freshly whipped cream and vanilla cream. A culinary experience we’d love to repeat over and over again!
Visit our page about Mândra.

☕ Apple Pie Latte from Hug the Mug

Hug the Mug locations bring to our attention another autumn-specific aroma: an apple pie cinnamon syrup latte. It’s as tasty as it sounds! And the best thing is, we can sweeten our walks around the city with the to-go version.
Visit our page about Hug the Mug.

🕯 Scented candles and incense from June

The list of autumn experiences simply had to include our homes, too, since we’re going to spend even more time indoors in the months to come. June is a new store in town selling scented candles, incense or seasonal essential oils, helping us turn our homes into relaxation oases for our spare time. The store offers products that fill our homes with fragrances such as forest, cinnamon, seasonal fruits, aromatic plant, or relaxing aromas.
Visit our page about June.

We’re curious about other autumn experiences, so please write to us if you find interesting items on Sibiu restaurant menus or any activities fit for this time of the year.
Drop us a line on our Facebook page or at contact@eventya.net.

❗ Remember that, to enter the above locations, you must observe sanitary rules in effect.

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