6 Things You HAVE To Do in Sibiu This Summer

6 Things You HAVE To Do in Sibiu This Summer

... In Sibiu and nearby:) This should’ve been the title of this article, but we’re certain you won’t mind travelling a few kilometres outside the city for some of the activities we’re suggesting.

Despite the fact that this summer has (mostly) taken festivals away from us, we’ve learnt to rediscover our city, which can only be a good thing. Whether you’re a tourist or a local, we’ve put together six ideas for you to spend your free time so you can enjoy the hot summer as much as possible, in Sibiu.
 Do you know other activities that that are worth including in our list? Send us a message on our Facebook page or through the contact form on the website! 

1 - Spend an entire day in the ASTRA Museum

If there was nothing else to do in Sibiu, the ASTRA Museum would provide reasons to go out throughout the year. It's not just huge, thus requiring at least a day to visit fully, but what’s more, it often hosts extremely interesting interactive events, showcasing the traditional houses in the museum. Craft and ethnic fairs, multicultural festivals, exhibitions - the Museum has an incredibly varied programme.
Whether you feel like a walk or a bicycle ride and a cool lemonade, or a sumptuous meal, the ASTRA Museum remains our number one suggestion for summer activities.

Photo: ASTRA Museum Facebook Page  
Take a look at the programme and the activities scheduled at the ASTRA Museum

2 - Attend an outdoor symphonic concert, on Cetății Street

Forced by the circumstances, the Sibiu State Philharmonic have made us a wonderful surprise this summer. Cetății Street, which is often described as “the most beautiful street in Sibiu”, has become the stage for Sibiu Orchestra concerts. Each week, the street hosts one or two concerts, on Thursdays and Fridays, and they are not limited to classical music.
So far, we’ve been delighted to see jazz and alternative music concerts as well, and they even organized events on the terrace of Thalia Hall, a tradition that we hope will continue in the post-pandemic era, too. Which will hopefully begin as soon as possible.:)
Photo: Sibiu State Philharmonic Facebook Page, Focus Photos Agency
Click to access the programme of the Sibiu State Philharmonics

3 - Attend an outdoor theatre play at BIS Garden

BIS Theatre are among those who are (luckily) stubborn enough to keep cultural projects alive. Their garden on Ștefan cel Mare Street is an oasis of green and coolness, regularly hosting independent theatre plays. It hosts very small audiences, around 30-40 people under current circumstances, so if you’re able to secure a seat, you’ll feel like you're at a private representation, staged especially for you.
 It’s important to know that the artists and their whole team rely on these tickets and, as you can imagine, theatre is among the arts greatly affected by the pandemic. By supporting and participating at their performances, you can really make a difference.
 Photo: BIS Theatre Facebook Page
Take a look at the programme of BIS Garden

4 - Practice Stand Up Paddling on a lake close to the city

You may have seen this sport in other countries and had no idea it was something that you could enjoy in Sibiu, too. SUP (or Stand Up Paddle) is a spectacular, yet easy to learn activity, for both adults and children; besides, it’s a chance to meet cool people and enjoy a picnic or some relaxation in a hammock on the shores of a lake outside the city. Follow their actions and join the gang of Powplaca - certainly one of the best things to do in Sibiu this summer.
Photo: Powplaca Facebook Page
Visit our page about Powplaca

5 - Enjoy the richness and the colours of Cibin Market

You may think that a fruit and vegetable market does not qualify as a tourist site, but it’s often happened to us that tourists stopped us and asked for directions to Cibin Market. Sure, it’s also because, unlike in other cities, in Sibiu, the market is at an arm’s length from the historical centre, offering a “festival” of colours and local produce.
 In summer, the market is so plentiful and interesting that it brings out the cook in you, so you can truly enjoy all those fresh seasonal products. Moreover, for tourists, it can be a source of edible “souvenirs”, especially as local cheese and cold meats have brought us some fame.:)
Photo: Piețe Sibiu Facebook Page
How to get to Cibin Market

6 - Taste the culinary My Transylvania experiences

And since we’ve touched on the subject of food, few events bring local gastronomy to the limelight better than those organized by My Transylvania Association. Hosted by various Saxon villages (and not only) nearby Sibiu, the walks including tastings proposed by these guides with a knack for local recipes and products are the kind of experiences that can only leave one most delighted.
Most of the times, the products you can taste at their events are proudly cooked and prepared by local female cooks, always happy to teach you how to recreate the flavours of Mărginimea Sibiului at home. And it’s not just about food - each event is different and may include a small hike, a night out camping or sleeping in a barn, a concern or a workshop.
 Photo: My Transylvania Association Facebook Page, Gabriela Cuzepan
Register for a My Transylvania event

Spune-ne ce alte experiențe interesante de vară cunoști în Sibiu!

Tell us what other interesting summer experiences you know in Sibiu.
Send us your ideas to add to the list of the coolest summer experiences in Sibiu via the contact form on our website or our social medial pages. The best suggestions will be rewarded with a surprise:)
In the meantime, let’s enjoy the summer! 

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