“ Timotei Popovici” Choir of Metropolitan Cathedral  from Sibiu

“ Timotei Popovici” Choir of Metropolitan Cathedral from Sibiu


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Strada Mitropoliei 20, Sibiu, România


“Timotei Popovici” Choir was founded in 1906 at the same time when the Metropolitan Cathedral from Sibiu was sanctified. It became famous due to the professionalism and abnegation both of its members and mainly of its impressive conductors.
The choral song bears the name of its founder Priest Professor Timotei Popovici (1870-1950), an impressive personality of the religious musical life. He conducted the Cathedral Choir until 1940, proving himself to be great conductor and composer both at the local and national level.
All these who followed him also became conspicuous gifted musicians and conductors. The repertory of choir is vast and it includes both religious and lay pieces belonging to such composers as Timotei Popovici, Ghe. Soima, Paul Constantinescu, G. Musicescu, M. Lungu, Ghe. Dima, etc.
At present Cathedral Choir is conducted by Deacon Dan Alexandru Streza and it consists of about 50 members who are either teachers, schoolteachers, students and pupils or who belong to other professional categories. All are gifted and dedicated to serving God by singing.
Dan Alexandru Streza aged 31 has been conducting the choir for almost 15 years. He graduated “Andrei Saguna” Faculty of Theology from Sibiu took his master and doctor degrees. Moreover, he is about to graduate “ Gheorghe Dima” Music Academy from Clu-Napoca this year. The members of the choir have grown fond of him and highly appreciate him and he permanently strives to continue the tradition of his predecessors imposing a high level to choral song interpretations.

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