BIS Theater
Theater company / Event organizer
BIS THEATER. A theater (in)dependent company based in Sibiu, Romania
In the autumn of 2006, a group of young actors proposed, in Sibiu, another type of theater performances, in cafes, and in other, less conventional locations. In 2009, this initiative group established the BIS Cultural Association, an NGO that carries out various cultural projects, including the "25 HOURS OF NON-STOP THEATER" festival. Currently, the shows produced by the BIS Association form a full-time season at ATRIUM Sibiu under the BIS Theater logo; two permanent actors, six collaborating actors, as well as a variable number of volunteers; a varied repertoire comprising 11 titles of in-door performances and two street theater performances.
The musical project "Stickies (Lipicioșii)" also runs at the headquarters and under the BIS auspices.
Since autumn 2015, BIS is also carrying out the project "The Neighborhood Theater".