Be a Tourist in Sibiu!

Be a Tourist in Sibiu!

This summer, most of us are trapped at home. However, we are not sorry, as we’ve discovered a host of hidden places and must-try activities around Sibiu. And we’re sharing them all with you!

📸 /AsociatiaPrieteniiMocanitei

Travel the narrow-gauge railway in Hârtibaciului Valley - Cornățel - Hosman

The catchiest way to enjoy the landscapes on Hârtibaciului Valley is by moto-draisine. Prietenii Mocăniței Association will have it ready for you and seven of your friends, by appointment only (call: +40740160049). The draisine is powered by two bicycles so your group of friends can take turns to pedal throughout the 7 km route between the villages of Cornățel and Hosman. Depending on your fitness, it takes between one and two hours to travel the route, or more if you chose to make a pit stop in Hosman.

P.S. You can help clean the route every Saturday until 5 September, when the Mocănița train will run again for a few days!
Visit our page about „Asociația Prietenii Mocăniței” What to do at the Old Mill in Hosman? Visit the Fortified Church in Hosman

Tracing Fairies - Porumbacu de Sus

This is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Romania and we’re sure you are curious to visit and discover the story of the Clay Castle in the Valley of Fairies. Go for a photo session or an eco-picnic in the castle gardens.

Visit our page about the Clay Castle in the Valley of Fairies

The sheepfold in the Hills of Transylvania - Laslea

The City of Sibiu and its surroundings are destinations of authentic experiences, activities and tastes. You can find all these at Stâna de pe Coline (the sheepfold on the hills) close to Laslea. Here, you can take part in picnics and events regularly organized by the hosts or organize a custom-made event for your group of friends/family.

Visit our page about Stâna de pe Coline

Looking for living flames - Bazna

Did you know that methane gas was discovered near Bazna as early as the 17th century, when locals noticed a strange phenomenon called “living flames” appearing on the ground?

Discover the area by hiking or cycling, relax in therapeutic baths and taste local products! For accommodation and advice about custom-made programmes, contact the savvy connoisseurs of the are at:
Get in touch with Bassen Guesthouse for further info.

Apple Orchard - Mălâncrav

The County of Sibiu still has orchards with local authentic apple varieties. Discover the story of the Mălâncrav Orchard and drink trademarked “Mălâncrav apple juice”. See the six century old church paintings and enjoy the bohemian atmosphere of Apafi Manor.
  Photo credits:
 * Apafi Manor (c) Daniel Secărescu
 * Apple Orchard - Mălâncrav
Kirchenburg von Malmkrog
* Mălâncrav - Living multi-ethnic heritage (c) Claudia Tataroiu 
Visit our page about Apafi Manor Discover the six century old mural paintings! Drink ® Mălâncrav Apple Juice

Where to sleep and enjoy a good meal around Sibiu?

When you feel like travelling, but don’t want to embark on a long journey, chose to relax and rest in some truly fascinating places close to Sibiu. Find accommodation and authentic tastes around Sibiu:
Special accommodation around Sibiu Special dining around Sibiu
Vezi ce se întâmplă în jurul Sibiului!

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