The Story of the Golden Apples

The Story of the Golden Apples

As told by My Transylvania

Ever charming through their gastronomic culture events and unconventional village discovering trips – now when the cold pushes us to stay inside, they share this adventure they set out on in March this year.
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Besides the magic of this piece of heaven, they discovered orchards, took their time to enjoy them and realized their importance.
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During their walks, they found out that, in Sibiel, there are about 35 apple and 7 pear varieties, and people know exactly when and, most especially, how to eat each and every one of them. 
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The story goes that, in Sibiel, fruit growing started in the 18th century, i.e. about 300 years ago, and there are two different versions as to how the locals were determined to resort to this type of culture.
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‘Talking about heritage, we have more beautiful stories about Sibiel, that make a bridge between the past and our present reality – when we can e-bike to Instagrammable picture perfect places. And through our work, we try either to invite you here (when the second lockdown ends), or to send the mountain to you – through local products.’
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