City Hall of Sibiu
Landmark / City hall
The building of the City Hall plays an important role in the life of the city, being located in an elegant edifice in the Large Square of Sibiu.
At the beginning of the 20th century the houses on the North-Western side of the Large Square, next to the tower of the Roman-Catholic Church were demolished in order to build the eclectic style edifice of the Land Credit Bank in 1906, with elements of Art Nouveau. The building is U shaped, consisting of basement, high ground-floor, two stories and a garret basement. The façade full of decorative elements is impressive as well as the Art Nouveau interior design.
The building was transferred to State ownership during the communism period, accommodating various administrative and financial institutions. After 1990 these institutions were removed in turn and the edifice became the patrimony of the municipality.
Subsequently, extensive rehabilitation and repartition works were initiated, including the extension of the office spaces in the previously unused garret, the installation of an elevator that would enable the access to disabled persons, as well as the transformation of the patio in a covered chamber with waiting room purposes for the people coming to the City Hall to solve certain issues. The inside areas were reconfigured and after the new setup there are 75 office spaces, an exposition hall with other four annexes, three meeting rooms, ten public hallways for access to the offices, plus a multifunctional basement to be used for the archives of the institution as well.