Importanța validării titlurilor de călătorie

Importanța validării titlurilor de călătorie

Tursib travel tickets are validated at the yellow machines on the bus. This process is important for several reasons:

Validation activates the travel title;
Validation helps to monitor the degree of loading of buses: this information allows to adjust the capacity of the fleet on the routes, so that the resources are distributed efficiently.
The validation allows the monitoring of the efficiency of the routes: this information allows us to correctly evaluate the efficiency of certain routes and thus we can offer public transport services adapted to the needs of our passengers.
The yellow machines on the buses allow validation in two ways:

QR codes: validate by simply positioning the QR code at the bottom of the yellow device.
Tursib cards: they are validated by bringing the Tursib card close to the yellow machines.
For this process to be efficient, it is important that travel vouchers are validated each time you board the bus.

We thank you for using public transport sharing services and assure you that every contribution counts in our joint effort to create an efficient public transport system.

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