4+1 great smoothie bars in Sibiu

4+1 great smoothie bars in Sibiu

Natural fruit and vegetable juices are #light, #fresh & #tasty, so they are perfect for summer. That's why we thought to show you where we can find them in Sibiu.

Most of the locations have the traditional "orange fresh" in their menu, but there are also some smoothie bars specialized in natural beverages. They are generally tiny, coquettish locations and they work hard to find the best combinations and to use only organic fruit and vegetables. Here are the local businesses that we strongly recommend to you:

Sucăria Lecca

Sucăria Lecca has 4 years since they are open in Sibiu. One location is on the ground floor of the Business Center and the second one is right in the Cibin Square. There are over 30 combinations available, having suggestive names such as Harmony, Digestion, Delicate Red. Moreover, you can order them via www.sucaria.ro or by phone. For interesting experiences, try the juices that contains wheatgrass, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom or red pepper.

Photo credit: Silvana Armat

See Sucăria Lecca's page

She's Green

She's Green is one of the locations that brings vegan and raw-vegan dishes in Sibiu. Since the juices are an important part of such a diet, there you can find 10 recipes that sound really good: Energy Green, Yellow Joy, Imunity Orange, Spirulina smoothie, Cocoa smoothi and many more. The recipes are also published on www.shesgreen.ro.

See She's Green's page


The Refresh has great coffee and tea, but what has convinced us to mention them in this article is the variety of freshes and smoothies. Their juices are very tasty, so it would be difficult to recommend you a certain kind of drink. It would be better to go by yourself to their location placed right in the Big Square.

See TheRefresh's page

Naturo Juice

They did not open yet, but there is hard work on the new Naturo Juice location placed on N. Bălcescu (there are two more in Rm. Vâlcea). They will have classic smoothies, re-interpreted ones, lemonades, green bavarages or energizing juices.

See Naturo Juice's page

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