Winter activities around the city

Winter activities around the city

If you get to Sibiu in the winter and you have some time, here are some suggestions about what you can do. There are activities for those with and without children.

1. Ski

Very close to Sibiu, in Păltiniş, you can go skiing either to Arena Platoș or to Oncesti slope. It takes about 30-40 minutes to get there, but you'll not get bored all day. Also check the page of each slope because it is full of competitions and activities in the winter vacation.

Arena Platoș Oncești Păltiniș

2. Cisnădie

In about 15-20 minutes you can reach Cisnadie. You have to visit the center that houses this year the largest fir in Romania, an artificial fir, made of twigs stuck on a metal structure. Then straight to the skating rink at Cisnadie where you can have fun with your little ones.

Cisnădie ice skating rink

3. Bâlea Ice Hotel

If you are courageous, you can try sleeping a night at the Ice Hotel in Bâlea. You have the opportunity to overnight in a fresh and welcoming atmosphere in rooms with walls and hand-carved furniture from ice artists. Each year the hotel has another theme and this year's theme is "the world of music in ice"

Ice Hotel Bâlea

4. Valley of the Fairies Clay Castle

Only one hour drive from Sibiu to Fagaras, very close to Porumbacu de Sus, you can visit the Clay Castle from the Valley of the Fairies, which is absolutely spectacular and in winter.

Valley of the Fairies Clay Castle

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