Easter in Sibiu
The Easter tree, the egg hunt and the girls' splashing are some Easter Transylvanian traditions encountered in Sibiu. Where can you find painted eggs, seasonal
gifts and decorations, children's activities, and the most beautiful Easter church service … we’ll tell you:
You can take part at the Easter Celebration at the Bezded Church within the ASTRA Museum.
* On April 27, the museum is closed, but the visitor's access to the service will be allowed on gate 1 and on the gate to the Bezded Church starting 23:30.
📸 Easter Celebration 2018 - The Bezded Church, ASTRA Museum
A very dear game for kids is “the egg hunt". On the first Easter day, dyed or chocolate eggs are hidden in grass and are to be found by the little ones. Find out what other kids activities you can find during Easter time.
Easter is really special when you spend it with your family and friends. Give up this year the tiring Easter preparations and invite everyone to a brunch on weekend in Stejărișu, where the day begins from the tower of the bacon and continues on the hills of Hârtibaciu Valley. May this bring you joy!
In Sibiu and its surroundings it’s custom to decorate the Easter tree. This can be a tree from the garden or a bunch of green branches. Here's where you find nice and authentic decorations:
📸 (c) Flowers of Transylvania
Iar dacă tot vorbim de târguri, e bine de știut că în perioada Paștelui, între 24 aprilie și 5 mai, ne vom putea bucura de prima ediție Alt. Food Market la Habermann Markt. Aici, food truck-uri, meșteri artizani, producători locali de bere artizanală, vinuri și mâncăruri se vor reuni într-un târg alternativ, numai bun de luat la pas între vizitele de sărbători ale celor dragi.
The Big Square is free this year and can be admired in all its architectural splendour revived by the Artesian fountain. The holiday atmosphere begins with a flower celebrations (in the Sunday of “Florii”) when the centre of Sibiu will be coloured and decorated with flowers on the occasion of the Gardens' Festival.