Cycling in and around Sibiu

Cycling in and around Sibiu

The bicycle remains perhaps the most loved means of transport, as it is both environmentally friendly, and a great way to spend your free time. Besides the fact that it’s a fun outdoor sport accessible to all ages, it also helps you stay fit and opens your eyes to the beauties of the surrounding world.
The people of Sibiu have always had a passion for riding bikes and the number of cyclists keeps growing. The city’s road infrastructure is full of marked bike lanes and bicycle parking racks, as these too are being further developed. 

You can start by buying or renting a bike in a dedicated shop. You can choose from “vintage” bikes to cruisers, mountain-bikes or the much‑loved e-bike.
Bicycles should be loved and cared for, so don’t forget to take yours to a shop whenever necessary.
Bike shops

Moreover, Sibiu BikeCity is an alternative mode of transport implemented by the Public Service for the Administration of the Public and Private Domain Sibiu, whose purpose is to help you travel around the city in a sustainable, fun and healthy way!

The system includes 540 Mechanical bicycles, 8 Tricycles for seniors, 4 Tricycles for the disabled and 49 Bicycle stations.
Sibiu BikeCity Bicycle Rental Services The networks of bicycle parking racks

For those who prefer extreme cycling and doing impressive jumps and tricks, in 2019, the Sibiu City Hall inaugurated Romania’s biggest Skate Park (10,000 sqm with circuits for BMX, skateboarding, roller skates, scooters, and MTB, which is to be enlarged and partially covered).
Skate Park Sibiu

From concrete to mud, if you want to have fun on a dirt track, you may practise on the jumps of the Dirt Park in Dumbrava Forest. (Depending on weather conditions, the route may be more or less “dirt”.)
Sibiu Dirt Park

All the people of Sibiu have cycled at least once on the “red” path through the Sub Arini Park, from the “Bebe Boboc” rugby field and all the way through the Dumbrava Forest alley to the entrance to the Zoo. From here, the lane goes on alongside the Dumbrava Forest, parallel to the ASTRA Open Air Museum, all the way to Tropinii Noi (Rășinari). 
Keep cycling through the ASTRA Museum (access by bike in the museum is allowed between 8-10 a.m. and 6-8 p.m.) or connect to any of the numerous nearby routes.
Cycling routes

Downhill is an extreme version of cycling practised by a smaller (yet growing) niche of bikers. The Cindrel Mountains and its sheep-travelled trails offer multiple more or less abrupt ways from the top of the mountain to the valleys. The trails cross forests and alpine pastures offering spectacular views of the surrounding areas. 
The Păltiniș Resort is a starting point for downhill routes and bikers can get there via Tursib bus no. 22 which is equipped with a triangle bike rack.
Bus 22 stops in the following stations:
To: Gara, Nufărul, Lămâiței, Siretului 2, Dumbrava 2,
From: Păltiniș, Păltiniș 1, 2, 3, 4, Dumbrava 1, Tursib 1, Piața Aurel Vlaicu, Teatru, Gara
If you prefer downhill tracks equipped with facilities, go down to Arena Platoș and choose one of their trails: family, flow, funny, and red. 
Arena Platoș Downhill Trails

Not familiar with the routes? Join organized groups, look for specialised guides or follow events dedicated to cycling.
Specialised guides & organizations

Local, national, and international competitions contribute to popularizing cycling in Sibiu. Criteriul Primăverii, Triada MTB Avrig and Păltiniș, plus this year’s first edition of Transfăgărășan Challenge and Biciclete cochete remain some of the best-known.
Moreover, on the occasion of the Sibiu Cycling Tour, now a decade-old, Sibiu and its surroundings are tackled by some of the best international sportsmen.

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