Sibiu - Sustainable City

Sibiu - Sustainable City

Over the last years, many of us have grown more aware of our everyday actions that can negatively impact the environment. Luckily, the city and the people of Sibiu have taken on ever more sustainability principles, implementing these in all aspects of their lives.

Let us find inspiration in the new ideas below and discover a series of local efforts and businesses that value our quality of life.

❌ Zero waste from all points of view

Plastic waste
Do you want to get on the sustainability train? Then head to the station called Naked Shop, the first shop in Sibiu selling 100% sustainable, plastic free, zero waste products. You’ll find it on Alexandru Odobescu street, near Gong Theatre. Naked Shop offers easy-to-use, practical solutions to reduce waste, replace everyday products made of plastic, and stick to reusable products only.
Tips: Small changes makes a difference, so let’s make a habit of bringing our own reusable textile bag to the market or the store, use home-brought recipients to buy bulk ingredients, bring along homemade to-go coffee, leave one-off cutlery, cups, or plates behind and - why not? - use metal straws when going out.
Find out more about Naked Shop products

Food waste
Food can also be wasted, so let’s start reducing this, too.
Tips: A first step in this sense is self-education, so we only buy what we can eat, pay more attention to using all the products we already have at home and share them with others when we have too much.
The Food Bank is a useful project to this end. It aims to reduce food waste by redistributing excess products from producers and shops to NGOs looking after disadvantaged categories of people, at risk of poverty and social exclusion, throughout the county of Sibiu.
Click here for details about Food Bank projects

Risipa energiei

Pentru a minimiza risipa, în general, ar trebui să fim mai atenți inclusiv la modul în care folosim resursele.

👍 Ponturi: Pot părea sfaturi banale, dar stingerea becurilor când ieșim dintr-o cameră sau închiderea robinetului de apă când ne spălăm pe dinți ar trebui să devină automatisme, care la scară largă vor ajuta nu doar natura, cât și bugetul personal.

În același sens, Primăria Municipiului Sibiu a demarat în ultimii ani câteva proiecte prin care și-a propus să folosească mai eficient resursele:
  • Sisteme de iluminat eco-eficient cu LED pe marile bulevarde, zeci de străzi și parcuri;
  • Eficientizarea energetică a clădirilor școlilor prin instalarea panourilor fotovoltaice care produc energia electrică necesară pentru iluminat, prin anvelopare termică și implementarea unui sistem de management inteligent al clădirilor.

💨 Air quality, an important factor

Air purity is one of the most relevant aspects of a sustainable, healthy life. It’s hard for us to control this directly, but we still have some sources of inspiration and information, helping us make the best decisions for ourselves and those around us.

Air filters
Two years ago, the Sibiu City Hall installed a series of air filters on Corneliu Coposu Boulevard to absorb the harmful chemicals resulting from nearby traffic. The good news is that, according to the measurements taken in the first year after installation, the amount of fine particles in the air dropped by 11%, which makes us hopeful that the project will be extended to all Sibiu neighbourhoods.
Tips: Until such air filters become available on a wider scale in public spaces, we can choose to install air purifiers in our homes.

Senzori de monitorizare a calității aerului

Știai că putem afla în timp real detalii despre calitatea aerului din cartierul nostru? este o platformă independentă care colectează și publică în mod constant indicii calității aerului din Sibiu, care provin de la cele 11 stații fixe amplasate în puncte cheie ale orașului.

În acest moment, cel mai pur aer se găsește în zona cartierului Terezian, iar cea mai poluată zonă pare a fi Lazaret, cu indici de 2 sau 3 ori mai mari.
See air quality indices

Parcurile Sibiului - oaze de prospețime

Zonele cu verdeață absorb emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră cu peste 10%, în plus echilibrează temperaturile și purifică aerul. Haideți să profităm de parcurile din oraș, să petrecem cât mai mult timp în ele, să le îngrijim și să ne implicăm în acțiuni organizate pentru întreținerea lor.
Have a great time in the parks of Sibiu

🚎 Green transport

Sibiu offers multiple means of transport that support lower traffic levels and implicitly lower levels of toxic emissions. One can choose from the several eco-friendly options below.
Public transport The electrical buses on the Green Line that connect several stations in the city centre Ride sharing services Bike rental services Scooter rental services E-vehicle charging stations

🍎 Products locally made in Sibiu

Nowadays, there are many places where one can find local, clean-label products. If a couple of years ago these were only available in the local markets (Piața Cibin, Piața Rahova, Piața Vasile Aaron, or Piața Volantă Transilvania), now we can choose the products of several grocers’, farms, trout farms, orchards, and bio gardens.
Grocers’ and local markets Food Hub - locul care reunește producătorii locali

🍽 Restaurants that serve dishes made with local ingredients

Pasaj, Kombinat, Plai, Max The Original, Fain, Hochmeister are but a few of the restaurants where seasonal ingredients from within and around Sibiu are the stars of each plate. We appreciate the ever stronger trend of making use of locally produced vegetables, fruit, meat, or cheeses, as we think their rich taste ensure the restaurants’ success.

Tips: We should all choose these restaurants more often and recommend them to all the people visiting Sibiu in search of local tastes.

♻ Acts to support sustainability

Whether we’re talking reforesting actions, cleaning certain surrounding areas, or efforts to combat food waste, there’s something for each and every one of us and we shouldn’t stay away. Here are some examples:
Nature cleaning events SOMA - Selective Collection Events Let's Do It, Romania! Sibiul Verde

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