The best exotic restaurants in Sibiu

The best exotic restaurants in Sibiu

Sibiu is becoming more and more daring in terms of food once the European Region of Gastronomy program was launched. Lately, a lot of exotic restaurants have started to emerge on our city map and enjoying food from all over the world is becoming more and more handy. We've gathered here a list of all the places you should consider when you find yourself longing for a certain kind of cuisine, both restaurants and delivery venues.


Lebanese food was something very scarce in Sibiu until lately - this is a nice way to avoid saying it was completely missing :). This situation changed at the beginning of this year when not one, but two restaurants with this type of cuisine opened in Sibiu, only available for delivery, for the moment. Huma is situated on Morilor street no 17, in case you wish to pick-up the order yourself. If you want your order delivered to your home or office you can order directly from their website. We suggest you don't go pass their mushroom cream soup, hummus or lentil and rice dish.

Find out more about Huma

Yummy Yang

There is only one Chinese restaurant in Sibiu, but it's one that is surely worth a visit: Yummy Yang. Now relocating from Sibiu Shopping City to their own location close by, they only do delivery at the moment, but this shouldn't stop you from giving them a try! We recommend the Singapore Mi Fen dish: fried rice noodles, egg, curry, chilly, ham, vegetables and shrimp. Yummy!

Find out more about Yummy Yang


Salmon, shrimp, spicy rice and sauces... if sushi is what you fancy today, there is only one place in Sibiu that can help you with that! Osushi is the Japanese chef in town and if you are passionate about this cuisine you surely know their website and have already tried their dishes. They are just opening a new venue on Turnului Street No 16, but they have a very good delivery service as well.

Find out more about Osushi

El Gringo

El Gringo is one of the exotic restaurants with the longest existence in Sibiu, and one of the very few places that are open at very small hours in the night. Although it is located far away from the city centre, almost anyone living here has, at some point, payed them a visit in the middle of the night and savoured one of their taco, burrito or chilli con carne dishes.

Find out more about El Gringo


Hummus, Falafel, Tabouleh... se pare că sibienii au acum toate condițiile pentru a începe să se îndrăgostească de mâncarea libaneză. Restaurantul Fatayer funcționează momentan doar pe bază de livrare la domiciliu, și abia așteptăm să vedem ce ne pregătesc în viitor.

Find out more about Fatayer

Old Lisbon

No customer leaves this place unhappy! Old Lisbon is the Portuguese restaurant where even the daily menu will enchant you and help you discover the secrets of this not-so-well-known cuisine. It's a small place situated on Târgul Peștelui Street and it will help you remember that food and wine are two of life's greatest joys!

Find out more about Old Lisbon

Taverna Akropolis

Taverna Akropolis e un restaurant din Centrul Vechi al Sibiului unde se folosesc doar cele mai bune si mai proaspete ingrediente: brânză feta, iaurt grecesc țărănesc, carne de porc, vită, miel, pește proaspăt, condimentate cu salvie, busuioc, mentă, cimbru și oregano, ingrediente specifice bucătăriei grecești. De fiecare dată când tânjești după mâncărurile descoperite în vacanțe însorite, fă-le o vizită pe strada Turnului nr. 12.

Find out more about Taverna Akropolis

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